Sunday, June 9, 2019


Not sure about you, but when I read a novel and it has a map in the front, that book just got ten times better. Small details like that make the entire adventure more fun.

Making those maps on the other hand, is a royal pain. I'm still going to have one in the front of the Lionheart Abyss series, but maps aren't my cup of tea.

After all, I am more of a coffee drinker.

Give me your thoughts on fantasy maps in novels below and be sure to check back soon for more news about the upcoming Lionheart Abyss saga.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Its hard to find that middle ground between whaving fun and working, but I'm trying. Got my tower computer set back up. That in itself helps. I've also started taking a book with me to work to read on my breaks. Fingers crossed that this helps.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Back in the saddle

Due to a new job the past few moths have been crazy. However, with the help of some new writing friends and unconditional support from my partner. I've been able to start writing again. So perhaps with a nightmare job it might just be the push I need to get my craft back on. Expect a book review soon!