Friday, September 16, 2016

Finding Time to Write

     Some people want to write, other's just do it. There is no true excuse for why you don't write. I am guilty of this sometimes myself but then when I really look at myself, I realize I'm a lie.

     Now you might be saying "Hey now, I work and have kids, I don't have time to write!"

     Yes you do. Don't lie to me. You can only lie to yourself. Do things like that make it harder, yes, but not impossible. Okay so you have kids, writing at home is hard, I'm guessing they have a bed time. Tell them a story, lights out. Gather your thoughts for a bit and then get at least 20 minutes of writing in. I'm also guessing that they like to sleep in as long as they can. Get up just 20-30 minutes earlier, and right there you have almost an hour of writing (on average I can type almost 1,500+ words in that time easy).

     Now you say you work, I'll bet to support that family you work full time, normally that's an 8 hour day or more. Those normally come with a 30 minute lunch. Eat while you write and get another 300+ words done.

     So now, at the end of that busy week you can have a total of at least 3,000 words just by writing on that lunch break alone. If you ride a train or bus, you can even take that time to start mapping out your story with notes so that when you do have time to type,  you can just crank it out.

     Even if you only write one word a day, you are getting closer to finishing that book that you want to write. So no excuses, just take that first step and start writing!

~Skadia, the word pushing panther

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