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There was a grin on his wolf face as she answered. He was one of the few in the pack that could do this at will so well. Kavos lept from his spot on the ground next to the girls and hopped back a few feet, the grin still on his face. Luck was with him, the new moon was just a few days off now and it was the middle of the day. It wouldn’t be easy, but he knew that he could do it.
There was a grin on his wolf face as she answered. He was one of the few in the pack that could do this at will so well. Kavos lept from his spot on the ground next to the girls and hopped back a few feet, the grin still on his face. Luck was with him, the new moon was just a few days off now and it was the middle of the day. It wouldn’t be easy, but he knew that he could do it.
cracked his knuckles and flexed his shoulders before he started to
focus. The clearing was silent for a moment, all eyes on him. There
was a loud cracking sound and Kavos locked his jaw. His eyes slammed
close as the pain hit him. His beautiful white fur bristled up
against it, even though it did little to ease the pain. His body
reacted as the shift started.
watched such a strong animal hunch over with pain. She winced as she
watched his bone rearrange themselves. The loud cracks and snaps of
joints dislocating echoed through the clearing. Alice dropped her
ears. She knew the type of pain he was going through, Ana didn’t.
The half beast roared as he started to shrink. His body becoming more
and more like a human.
seemed like it took forever, but really only a few moments had
passed. The pain melted away with the last few bits of fur. Kavos
stood up, stark naked in the noon sun. A smile was still plastered on
his face. Ana gasped. He looked so different, and yet so much like
his wolf. His face was beautiful, long silver hair went down just
past his shoulders. His body was just as flawless. It looked as if he
had been carved away from white marble. Every part of him looked as
good as the last and Ana drank in the sight. “Not so scary now eh?”
He asked as he walked over and crouched down in front of her.
couldn’t help but blush as his man bits dangled free. She had never
even though about cloths because the wolves fur normally covered
everything. She pulled herself together. “Very, human.” She
smiled and made sure to make eye contact with him.
rest of the awkwardness was disrupted by Aureal crashing through the
brush. A small cow was slung across his back. “Whoa man! Put that
away. Nobody wann’a see that!” He threw his paw up to stop his
eyes from seeing the naked man.
couldn’t help but laugh as Kavos stood up and walked over to Aureal
and tossed his arm over the still wolf. “Don’t tell me you’re
scared of me like this?” There was a taunt and the white wolf made
a crude pelvic thrust towards the still furred pack member. That even
got a small chuckle from Stela. “See even she thinks it’s funny.”
a brotherly way, Aureal couldn’t resist. “That’s because it’s
so small.” The wolf tossed the cow into the center of the clearing
and sized himself up against the now human. The two had a good laugh
while the rest of the pack got ready to eat.
always went first. Ana started to make herself a small fire. It took
her only a few moments but by then, Stela had the animal ripped open
and pulled off a large chunk of meat and brought it over to her
human. She dropped the solid mean into the girls lap, nuzzled her
with her bloody face and then went right back to her meal.
roasted the meat. The large chunk took quite a while to cook, but in
the end there was plenty left, and she knew that would be easier to
travel that way. She seemed quite proud of herself in the moment.
Only then to realize that she never picked up a pack before they
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