I've been sitting looking at my computer for hours now, and have typed a whole 167 words. That's pathetic for me. My mind has been elsewhere. The U.S. Election. Today my country picked between two people. Both liars, both cheats. One who claims to "grab 'em by the pussy because you can" and another who they say is responsible for deaths. We lost today. Now the evening is almost over and the end is near. It is an end to everything. All of the progress made. If our new potential leader has his way, there will be no gay rights, he is removing them. He will be ripping families apart and shipping them away. We as a country will revert.
I am scared for the first time. I am scared to death because, of other peoples choices, I could actually loose my life. I can loose my rights as a human and as a woman. Our rape culture will skyrocket. I will be scared now everywhere, because one man with power said it was okay to just grab woman. He will take away birth control rights.
I am scared for my life, my hopes, dreams, and for my happiness. I can't seem to write with these conditions. I can only hope that tomorrow the sun rises, and that the day is better.
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