Sunday, September 16, 2018

Little details matter

I figure that I'll give you all a break from me going on about my first child, I mean short. I actually have been mulling over some things the past few days, and in my massively sleep deprived state of mind, details just so happen to be what I would like to bore you with today.

Not just any details though! The little ones. Sure we might care about how her eyes sparkle in the moonlight, but will they shimmer under a half moon the same way?

Small things like that matter to our human brain. When we are out living our lives all these things assault us.

For example, I was watching a show called Skin Wars. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it's a body painting competition. The challenge was to make your human model look 2D. How does this apply to writing you ask. Let me explain a bit more so please just hold tight. When the winner of the challenge was announced the model walked out. My brain pooped itself. The person moved like a 3D figure (Cuz it is) and yet looked 2D. My brain couldn't mesh the two because something is either one or the other. Not both.

Little details can make all the difference in your world. They can mean the difference between someone brain flipping a table, making them reread something a few times, hence pulling them out of the story.

For the next few days, I challenge you to observe one thing around you, that you normally don't pay attention to. A few quick examples, the cigarette butt can at your local grocery store.

Let me know how that challenge goes with a comment, I'd love to hear from you.

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