Saturday, July 22, 2017

I Saved My Girlfriend by Not Kissing Her

  In today’s world most of us don’t think twice about kissing out loved ones. Especially if they are about to leave for a trip or just away for a few hours. I don’t live near my girlfriend. She lives up in the city, I live outside, but we both go back and forth a lot. My day job is up there in said city, so it’s not like we don’t see one another often. The other day I was taking her to the train station, making it easy on my car instead of back and forth, and we got there early and sat in the car just talking. Sounds normal right? You would again in today’s world not think much of it. If you’re gay, or lesbian, or even trans however, you do actually think twice on things.

     I didn’t kiss her goodbye. It killed me and broke my heart, but let me tell you why.

     The entire time we sat there, two guys in a car next to us watched us. Intently. Not gesturing, not saying anything, just watching. It made my stomach knot. Fear crept into the back of my mind and warning bells went off. Something in my gut told me not to kiss her that day. Something told me not to be gay. She left on the train and I watched her walk through the doors. The moment she got through, one of the guys got out of the car and walked in after her. No bags, luggage, not even a backpack at nine o’clock at night going up to the city. It was odd. It scared me. I actually was afraid that something would happen to her.

     Did anything? No. But then again, I didn’t kiss her either.  

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