Monday, June 8, 2020

Lois Lenz, Lesbian Secretary - REVIEW

Book review: Lois Lenz, Lesbian Secretary

As my first traditionally published lesbian book this story will always hold a special place in my heart. That being said, I can't say that it's a book for everyone. 
     The book is about Lois Lenz, a girl who decides to leave her hometown and her first crush for the big city and her chance at a career job. While she's at her all girls boarding house she struggles to not just learn big city life, but that the boarding house has a secret. So does her Boss, Mrs. Pierson. 

     Published in 2007, but it takes place in 1959. That matters because it deals with a lot of cliche topics. It talks about communists in America and women in the work place. I personally believe these tropes are an important part of our history as women and as lesbians. I did also enjoy the retro feel of it overall. 
     It was a quick read for me, and it had a great flow that just took you through the story of Lois coming out and really finding her place in the world. The ending had a little dangerous twist that I seen coming but was still enjoyable.

Final thoughts: 4/5 stars. I wish that it didn't feel so outdated for being such a "newer" book.  

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Sunday, June 9, 2019


Not sure about you, but when I read a novel and it has a map in the front, that book just got ten times better. Small details like that make the entire adventure more fun.

Making those maps on the other hand, is a royal pain. I'm still going to have one in the front of the Lionheart Abyss series, but maps aren't my cup of tea.

After all, I am more of a coffee drinker.

Give me your thoughts on fantasy maps in novels below and be sure to check back soon for more news about the upcoming Lionheart Abyss saga.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


Its hard to find that middle ground between whaving fun and working, but I'm trying. Got my tower computer set back up. That in itself helps. I've also started taking a book with me to work to read on my breaks. Fingers crossed that this helps.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Back in the saddle

Due to a new job the past few moths have been crazy. However, with the help of some new writing friends and unconditional support from my partner. I've been able to start writing again. So perhaps with a nightmare job it might just be the push I need to get my craft back on. Expect a book review soon!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Progress made; progress lost

I've been silently brooding the past few days because I'm an artist. I had saved often, made sure to keep my life work saved. It still didn't save me. Over a thousand words gone because of a corrupt file. It could have been worse, but it's always heartbreaking to loose progress. This isn't the first time I have either. Some of my best scenes are lost to the harsh attunement of my temperamental laptop. Perhaps once I have Wi-Fi again I can return to backing things up on google.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Weekly goals

Oddly watching YouTube videos has inspired me. Time to start getting some habits made.

For the next 10 days (until the end of next week) I want to spend 5 min a day writing. It will take longer to get my laptop warmed up and open but I'm hoping small goals will make this easy.

I also want to add to that, reading 1 book every month. In high school I used to take out Stephan King novels in a week, I think I can make this work.

Now, this goal isn't about my blog, but about my novel. Posting these regularly have been a massive help and I look forward to keeping up with them this time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hopeful plans

By this point I'm as tired of saying it as you all are of reading it, but over the next year I actually want to focus on my writing.

I want to get some books out, set up some daily habits. Really let myself have at the work that I love doing. Maybe even find a few rejection letters.

I have a lot of stuff from over the years all piled up. Some of it I believe is pretty decent. Some other things, not so much. The more I think about it, the more I feel drawn to write select stories and when I ask myself why. The answer is simple.

Because gay.

Told you, simple. It the world of stories you're told to wrote what you know. Well, I know a little about a lot. Doesn't mean I need to write a cookbook about 100 ways to use ramen noodles. Useful, I'm sure, but it wouldn't satisfy me. I need hope. I need struggle. I need the world to see a side of life that not everyone gets to experience.

I need to show someone that it gets better in a way that only I know. So stick with me friends. I'm working on some pretty intense lesbian stories. I can't wait to share them with you.