Friday, March 31, 2017

Very Sick Kitty

     So what I thought was just something minor, turned out to be a full blown sinus infection. My head has been swimming all week and that my dears is sadly why I haven't posted a thing. Even general daily things have been hard. Even just standing to do a load of dishes or to cook dinner has exhausted me. So I am very sorry for not getting things posted or worked on, but I made the crazy decision to put my own health first. Frankly, it's been boring and I doubt I'll do it again. haha

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sick Author

     Sorry guys, I fell ill yesterday and spent all day today sleeping and working towards getting better so that I can go to my job tomorrow morning. There will not be a post of "Silver Mane" this week, but I will treat you and try for two during the next week.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Last Day for a free book

Pretty girls hooking up. All the lesbian. This is also the last time that this book will be released for free. It's my oldest on the market and is due for an update and after such, will not be at this low price again. Catch it today before it's gone for good.

"Just Desserts"

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Free Book for the rest of the week

Hey guys, last chance to read my original debut novel for free! This week only.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Snow is Help

     This is what happens when I try to have a productive writing day. It's nice to have company while I write some days. 

     Also you see something very odd, recently I have dug up an old tower computer and started to use it while I'm at home. (I work in the city and stay up there for days in a row, and then come back to my house on my days off.) I've found that I get a lot more done like this. At a desk, with a chair, instead of on my laptop. So maybe I will reach my writing goals this year.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Silver Mane - Part 10

Start Here

     The village was unlike the only other one Ana had ever been in. There were shops and street vendor carts full of sweets and breads. Fish that were so fresh they were still breathing. Her eyes were wide as she explored every sight. Kavos walked beside her. He wasn’t silent, but he was more calm than she was about it all. “This place is amazing.” Her words were soft.

     Kavos let his eyes wander as they passed by venders. His ears picking up everything. He might look like a human, but he was still a wolf. “It really is nice. They also seem almost too nice. Perhaps we should stop in the tavern and hear a few rumors.” He started heading to the center of town hoping to be able to identify some sort of local watering hole. Ana followed him, keeping silent and still taking it all in.

     The white wolf seemed to find what he was looking for and he shuffled his way through the crowds. Part of him wished he could just shift and be a wolf, the wolf in him, knew better. This wasn’t the time or the place. At least not until they knew what type of people these were. He opened up the heavy wooden door and darted inside, half pulling Ana in with him.

     The inn was dark still even though it was well past noon outside. There was a small fire burning in the center of the room and either side was flanked with long bench tables. Further back there were a hand full of doors that Kavos could only expect led to sleeping quarters. If anyone had the coin. The last village had something similar but no one he ever met could afford one. He dropped his voice and moved closer to Ana. “Keep your ears open, but don’t ask too many questions.” He nodded at her and ducked over to a table that was filled with men. Some wore leather armor and carried steel at their hip. There was a mage that was lurking in a dark corner of the room but he seemed to pay the wolf-man no mind. Kavos intended to keep it that way. He sat quiet for a few moments.

     Ana had her own agenda. There was a bar maid who was pouring drinks for her servers to run, and was dealing with what seemed to be a displeased patron. The woman seemed to have a handle on the entire place. She walked up and plopped herself onto one of the bar-stools at the counter. Within only a moment the woman swung herself around to take Ana’s order. “What’ll it be miss?” Her tone was pleasant and honest, then again, the day was still fairly early.

     The blond didn’t even waste the woman’s time. “House potatoes and please tell me what’s up with the castle just a few miles up the road?”

     The maid smiled and set down her small pad of paper and leaned in onto the counter top. “Some say the place is haunted, however the lord and lady who live there, well, they’re odd sorts. They run the shipping company that seems to keep this town alive.”

     Ana couldn’t help herself. “Any rumors?” She interrupted.

     The bar maiden smirked and shook her head. “Plenty. Some say they are werewolves.” She laughed at her own statement. “But a few of us know better, there’s no wolves in these parts. Their father hunted them out long ago. What fool would kill out his own kind?” She seemed to laugh again but Ana didn’t find any of this funny. “But either way, as long as your coin is good, this place doesn’t ask any questions. Did you still want those potatoes lass?”

     Ana smiled, that what the tidbit she was waiting to hear. She nodded as her stomach growled at her. She missed human food. “Please.” She placed one of the gold coins that Stela had given her, hoping it was enough.

     “That will get you two more plates and a room for the night if you need.” The maid’s eyes lit up at the sight of the shimmering coin. It had been a rough summer and winter wasn’t normally any kinder to the small northern town.

     Ana was happy to hear that, but she was sure they didn’t need the room. “One plate is just fine. Silence would be kind as well to go with it. Perhaps can I get them in a foil to take with me, there’s a quiet spot in the woods calling my name.” She said with a hint of a grin on her face.

     “My pleasure m’lady.”

Part 11

Friday, March 17, 2017

Back and Ready for More

     That's right, Silver Mane is back this week. It was for sure a nice break, but I've really missed bringing this to you every week. So I hope you enjoy tomorrows edition.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Game of Thrones

      I finally finished it! It has taken way too long for me, but I finally found it in myself to get through those last few chapters. Even though I knew what was going to happen I still loved every moment of it.

     Go watch the series, go read the books. Enjoy the world that George R.R. Martin creates for you. It's well worth your time. Please don't forget however, this series is fairly graphic, blood, death, rape, and consented sex. It's not done in poor taste, so don't worry on that, but I do feel the warning should be there.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Amazon Author Page

Hey everyone, just got done making an Author profile on Amazon. It's pretty neat. You can also find all of my books there.

Skadia Trazon on Amazon

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Silver Mane - Taking a week off

     While I continue to work on the series I am taking a break from posting one this week while I continue to have the first novella edited, and I continue on with the next. I will be posting one on the following week so don't worry. Just taking a small break.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

March Goals

     This one is a bit personal, but I feel like I need to write it down somewhere so that I can try to focus on it. Recently my life has been flipped upside down with the loss (not death) of a loved one. It's been very hard for me this past week or so while I try to get my life together without said dear person in my life. She was a great inspiration to me and it has for sure changed a lot of my work mentally. I've found it hard to write, and even some days just hard to function. When you live with someone for over six years, it's just odd once they are gone. Anyway, I need something to start getting me focused again.

     I want to read. I've been working on the same book for way to long now. Back in High School I could easily go through a 500+ page novel in maybe a week or two. It's taken me almost two months to get through "A Game of Thrones". So this month I want to get back to reading. That will also mean more book reviews for you guys!

     I want to publish. Sense I've gone back to working a normal "day job" my writing has suffered. I've gotten more written in the past two months that I have for half of last year, but I feel like it hasn't been enough. Yes I still want to focus on my series on here (Silver Mane) and I have a lot planned for it. I'm also starting up my Tumblr again, and I'm going to be putting a different series on there. I also want to get a few more novels out this year. Last year was 5, I want to at least match that this time.

    I want to keep writing. Above everything else in my life, I want to keep writing. Keep working towards my own personal goal.

     Current projects and status:
          Silver Mane- Book 1 is roughed and ready for editing. Book two is being worked on and ready for small chapter publishing on here.
          Tumblr series is fully mapped out ready for rough draft.
          Between Heaven and Hell is still being drafted, but at about 70% now.
          Another lesbian romance is still in planning stages and beginning draft work.
          Fantasy erotica- first draft 80% done.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Silver Mane, Book 1 done.

     Well I have some great news. The first large chunk of Silver Mane is coming to a close. I've decided to break the series up into smaller chunks of parts that will be published as Novellas. While "Silver Mane" is free to read here, the novellas will be .99 cents each on Amazon. They however, will also be edited and reworked slightly. So they will be of a better quality. So be on the look out for that soon.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Silver Mane - Part 9

Start Here.

     It was well past moon rise when the pack came to their final stop. They were way up North. The air smelled of salt and it had a real chill on the winds that raced through the trees. The pack had finally found its new home. A massive grove of trees on the other side of a field. There were lots of game trails and fresh running water. It was peaceful. There was even a town not far off. “Perfect.” Stela sighed as she took in the sights. Even in the dim light of night the wolves could tell it would be a great place to settle down. At least for a bit. The pack let out a howl and settled into a cave for the night.

     Dawn rose up the next morning, like it has for every day of their lives. It was bright and clear and the wolves all came out of the dark cave blinking their eyes. Stela rose up to her full height and started to speak. “Today we explore our new lands. You have all day, I want a full map and marking of our new territory. Keep it reasonable and keep yourselves safe.” She looked around at her pack and there was a smile on her face. She knew them all so well. When her eyes met Ana’s they lit up even more. “Also remember, we now have one more advantage, we have a human that can also go into towns.”

     Realization set into the pack. Ana was more than just the alpha’s lover, but also a great tool to them as well. There had been many times where they needed someone to go. Yes, Kavos was able to and he would, but there was still always that fear that he would be caught at any moment. Not with Ana. The pack had little gold to their name, but there was some they had gathered up over the years.

     “Ana, if I,” Stela stopped herself and corrected. “If we could ask a favor of you. I will give you some coins, could you go into the market and pick up a few things?” It was the first time the alpha had asked for a favor instead of telling someone what they should be doing. She was always so kind with Ana.

     Ana looked around at her pack, her mind flashing back to the last time she was in the village and she wondered if this one would be any different. “I will, but won’t they just attack me like the other village?” She didn’t know why she thought the wolves knew everything, but she hoped they at least had some insight.

     The wolves drew in closer to her. Each seeming to hold their breath for another to answer. All eyes moved towards Stela. She didn’t bother to square herself up, the slight look of defeat on her face. “They might. Kavos can go with you.” That wasn’t a question but a command. “Either way we won’t know until someone goes to at least see how the town reacts. From the sounds of it, it’s much larger than what we are used to and you might be able to blend in better. Remember how it was in Egypt?” Her eyes locked onto Kavos.

     The white male nodded. It seemed as though these two had had more than a hand full of adventures together. A long deep bond that could have stretched over only a few years, or perhaps a few lifetimes. Only the two wolves would know it for sure. A smile graced the males face. “I remember, those were good days, hot, but good.” He mused.

     “Then it’s settled, you two will head to the village and investigate, the rest of us well start our claim to the surrounding lands.” Her tone was that of a leader. Without another word the other wolves nodded and took off running. She turned to Ana and pulled her woman into an embrace. “You my little one, stay safe for me.” She softly kissed the top of her head. 


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Over 1,000 Page Views!

     Just wanted to say thank you everyone who has stopped by and read any of my posts. I hope you continue to enjoy my work and that I can keep bringing you new stories for years to come.

Be sure to check out my web site where you can find links to all of my books that are for sale. (Most are free for Amazon Prime members!)

You can also follow me on Facebook!

Or you can even spend some time reading my web series found here.

Thank you again everyone!