Thursday, July 7, 2016

Coffee Cat

This cat runs off coffee! Sadly I continue to forget that I have a blog, and that it doesn't just automatically update with my train of thoughts. But that would also kinda be bad for you guys.

Anyway, some good news, Lesson Learned lesson 3 is actually under the top 1,000 in it's category. So that has me pretty happy. Also sadly July started my busy season. It's con time. We have 3 between the 1st of july and the end of this month. One of those we have a table at and will be selling. So I'm swamped. However! I am determined to keep on writing and I have at least 1 or 2 more shorts that will be coming out this year. One is a collection of Lesson Learned (with bonus!) and the second is a short prelude to my upcoming fantasy novel.

I'll keep you posted! ~Skadia, the coffee cat.