Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Progress made; progress lost

I've been silently brooding the past few days because I'm an artist. I had saved often, made sure to keep my life work saved. It still didn't save me. Over a thousand words gone because of a corrupt file. It could have been worse, but it's always heartbreaking to loose progress. This isn't the first time I have either. Some of my best scenes are lost to the harsh attunement of my temperamental laptop. Perhaps once I have Wi-Fi again I can return to backing things up on google.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Weekly goals

Oddly watching YouTube videos has inspired me. Time to start getting some habits made.

For the next 10 days (until the end of next week) I want to spend 5 min a day writing. It will take longer to get my laptop warmed up and open but I'm hoping small goals will make this easy.

I also want to add to that, reading 1 book every month. In high school I used to take out Stephan King novels in a week, I think I can make this work.

Now, this goal isn't about my blog, but about my novel. Posting these regularly have been a massive help and I look forward to keeping up with them this time.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hopeful plans

By this point I'm as tired of saying it as you all are of reading it, but over the next year I actually want to focus on my writing.

I want to get some books out, set up some daily habits. Really let myself have at the work that I love doing. Maybe even find a few rejection letters.

I have a lot of stuff from over the years all piled up. Some of it I believe is pretty decent. Some other things, not so much. The more I think about it, the more I feel drawn to write select stories and when I ask myself why. The answer is simple.

Because gay.

Told you, simple. It the world of stories you're told to wrote what you know. Well, I know a little about a lot. Doesn't mean I need to write a cookbook about 100 ways to use ramen noodles. Useful, I'm sure, but it wouldn't satisfy me. I need hope. I need struggle. I need the world to see a side of life that not everyone gets to experience.

I need to show someone that it gets better in a way that only I know. So stick with me friends. I'm working on some pretty intense lesbian stories. I can't wait to share them with you.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Little details matter

I figure that I'll give you all a break from me going on about my first child, I mean short. I actually have been mulling over some things the past few days, and in my massively sleep deprived state of mind, details just so happen to be what I would like to bore you with today.

Not just any details though! The little ones. Sure we might care about how her eyes sparkle in the moonlight, but will they shimmer under a half moon the same way?

Small things like that matter to our human brain. When we are out living our lives all these things assault us.

For example, I was watching a show called Skin Wars. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it's a body painting competition. The challenge was to make your human model look 2D. How does this apply to writing you ask. Let me explain a bit more so please just hold tight. When the winner of the challenge was announced the model walked out. My brain pooped itself. The person moved like a 3D figure (Cuz it is) and yet looked 2D. My brain couldn't mesh the two because something is either one or the other. Not both.

Little details can make all the difference in your world. They can mean the difference between someone brain flipping a table, making them reread something a few times, hence pulling them out of the story.

For the next few days, I challenge you to observe one thing around you, that you normally don't pay attention to. A few quick examples, the cigarette butt can at your local grocery store.

Let me know how that challenge goes with a comment, I'd love to hear from you.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

My Favorite part of writing Just Desserts

When writing there's always one moment while we work that stands out. My first short was no different. For me that moment came when I finally wrapped it all up. When I could see all the little details from the beginning tie into the final moments. It was then that the title even struck me.

I also greatly enjoyed the entire process of re-writing the novel years later. Some people asked why the second version that came out was changed so much and honestly, it was a simple answer. Once I got in there and started touching things up, I realized how far I had come with my personal writing style. So it got updated.

Check it out here:
Warning: saucy lesbian sex

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Just Desserts- A History

Every story has a story. It has its own creation. Today I was to remember what made me start writing and a bit about my first published novel.

I had always enjoyed writing small gay things. My step father was my biggest supporter of those early days. He believed that I should get that stuff out to the public. He listened to me when I explained why I would ever want to be a lesbian author. This isn't that story.

He fell sick and while in the hospital things took a turn for the worst. He fell into a coma. I took my chance. I wanted to have a book published for when he came out. I was scared to push myself however, to finish it. In the end I waited too long. He sadly passed away while in the hospital. I published the first version of "Just Desserts" a week later.

Read the book here.
Warning: lesbian erotica. May not be appropriate for all ages.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

What I've been doing

This is really gonna be a repeat of most posts with similar titles. Life happened is the short version. Last September I had taken a step up with the company I was with. Honestly, I loved my day job. However, it added 20 hours a week driving alone. Full time and toss in some overtime. The weeks were long. The days blended together. I finally sadly had to leave because it had become a toll on my health. Only now am I starting to feel myself again.

But have I wrote anything more in this time?


I did push out a few shorts. Links and more info of all my novles will be posted here over the next few weeks. Otherwise, not a lot was done. So again, I feel like I'm starting all over again, and it oddly feels good.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Back in the saddle

We all know this by now. I can't keep myself on track to save my life. But again, I'm gonna keep trying. A little update about my personal life. I still work full time but am no longer driving 20 hours a week. That alone gas been crazy cool. It's also given me some stability to be able to write more. So I can honestly say that I'm excited to start working on a novel again. This time things will be different. I'm going to be working on whatever I feel like writing. Wherever my heart is. And it's got me super hyped.

So fingers crossed .

Also, ps, still no internet. So phone posts all the way!